We will sometimes need your computer name for troubleshooting purposes. The steps below can show you how to find your computer name.
Option #1: Inventory Labels
We inventory all our machines with a label. Check around the computer for a label with the naming scheme: machinename.athletics.psu.edu.
Desktop label placement: on the top front of the machine
Laptop label placement: above the keyboard or undernear the laptop.
Option #2: Checking on Windows
Click on the Start Menu, on the lower left-hand side of the screen and type “System“.
This will search the for best matches. You should see the System link show up near the top of the list. Click on it, and a new window will open with System information.
Your computer name is located on the middle of the window.
Option #3: Checking on a Mac
On the dock, click System Preferences then click on Sharing.
You will see your computer name at the top of the window.